Donna French
1-877-272-3483 ex. 135
Donna French is a Senior Advisor with American Retirement Counselors. She holds licenses for Life, Health, and Medicare Supplement/Long Term Care insurance and helps people with Retirement Healthcare, Long Term Care, Retirement Income and Legacy Planning.
Donna attended Midlands Technical School in Columbia, SC. Donna supports a lot of worthwhile causes including Hospice, Youth at risk, Rotary, St. Jude Children’s Research hospital, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Good Samaritan Ministries, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and Boys Town of America.
She has a strong set of core values and believes in American Retirement Counselor’s philosophy of making the same recommendations for his/her client as she would make for his/her own family. Donna loves people and her goal is to make sure that her clients understand their needs and the solutions she recommends.
If you want someone you can trust and count on to help you achieve your retirement goals, call Donna!