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Text "GETARCNOW" to 85100 or call us toll-free at (877) 272-3483
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December 20, 2012


The Three Cornerstones of Healthcare

Healthcare during retirement used to mean having coverage to pay for hospital and medical bills.

The diagram below gives you some idea about how healthcare is really working today.
There are three sides to healthcare during retirement.

Traditional Medical Care

Hospitalization, Dr.’s visits, surgical fees, etc…These expenses are of the type we usually think of when we think of medical care. 

Prescription Drugs

The challenge with prescription drugs is usually the fact that the drugs involved are “maintenance drugs” to treat chronic conditions and usually represent an expense month after month for an extended period of time.

Long Term Care

This could be skilled care during a long term recuperative situation, or a long term degenerative situation. In the center of the diagram are the assets that took a lifetime to accumulate for retirement. The key to building a successful healthcare plan is creating a solid wall of financial support on all three sides to ensure that the assets that took a lifetime to accumulate are protected.